Namananaidu A/L Kalaichelvam
Namananaidu A/L Kalaichelvam 第1届 - 农师傅认证 农师傅认证 马来西亚 奖项 | Persatuan Perlindungan Dan Pembangunan Pertanian Malaysia Namananaidu A/L Kalaichelvam
26 years old, Male, Malaysia. Director of Northern Inter Enterprise & FAMOX Agrotech Completed Commercial Piloting Training in 2010 Unemployed for about a year. Greatly interested in plantations. Hence, decided to start plantation 2012. Begun planting in Dec 2012. Started with just 2 acres of plantation area.
Location: Merbok, Candi Lembah Bujang
Self-employment during the early stage of plantation. Master Namananaidu want to use this certification as an affirmation to enhence his hard work in his business.

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